Sunday, August 31, 2008

Inadvertantly Accurate.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Balloon Jesus. NO WAI.

You can click on the pictures for larger versions. SCARY.

She Might Be a VD-carrying LIBERAL!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

"V" Enemy Visitor action figure

Remember the sci-fi series V that was on like, 15 years ago? Where they ate rodents, and presumably humans, and I think were trying to take over the world? I had totally forgotten.

This is just creepy!

I can't beleive that I used to WANT to go to Showbiz. That rat is effing CREEPING ME OUT.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rick Astley would NEVER:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Check out Toy-A-Day. It's pretty sweet. If you go, you can make this:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fierce Tranny Mess

Greg, this one is for you.


Sasi wants to meet you.

Aviary Delight up in here.

Who says to themselves, "What I really want to do is get a collage of a bunch of different species of birds tattooed. And I'm thinking that my chest is the best place for this Aviary Delight. Ooh.. and I'm totally gonna have the owl right in the middle because owls are effing RAD!!"

Srsly. WTF.



Jesus, Protect Mah Truck!

There's nothing like featuring your own truck in a graphic on the back of your truck, between Jesus and some lightning bolts. Hawt.