Sunday, August 31, 2008

Inadvertantly Accurate.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Balloon Jesus. NO WAI.

You can click on the pictures for larger versions. SCARY.

She Might Be a VD-carrying LIBERAL!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

"V" Enemy Visitor action figure

Remember the sci-fi series V that was on like, 15 years ago? Where they ate rodents, and presumably humans, and I think were trying to take over the world? I had totally forgotten.

This is just creepy!

I can't beleive that I used to WANT to go to Showbiz. That rat is effing CREEPING ME OUT.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rick Astley would NEVER:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Check out Toy-A-Day. It's pretty sweet. If you go, you can make this:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fierce Tranny Mess

Greg, this one is for you.


Sasi wants to meet you.

Aviary Delight up in here.

Who says to themselves, "What I really want to do is get a collage of a bunch of different species of birds tattooed. And I'm thinking that my chest is the best place for this Aviary Delight. Ooh.. and I'm totally gonna have the owl right in the middle because owls are effing RAD!!"

Srsly. WTF.



Jesus, Protect Mah Truck!

There's nothing like featuring your own truck in a graphic on the back of your truck, between Jesus and some lightning bolts. Hawt.

Woah, Blast from the Past!

Wow, check out this blast from the past. Click Here. I sold handpainted ouija boards for a short time while I was unemployed years ago, and apparently, although I haven't been an AOL member for years, the site is still up.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wow, those Hooters girls are gullible.

Jodee Berry of Panama City, FL, sits with her toy Yoda at her lawyer’s office Wednesday. Berry, a former Hooters waitress, has sued the restaurant where she worked, saying she was promised a new Toyota for winning a beer sales contest in April. Berry, 26, believed that she had won a new car, but she was blindfolded, led to the parking lot and presented a toy Yoda, the little green guy from Star Wars.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mankini. God help us all.

Folks, that isn't Borat. That's someone who, I can only imagine, must actually think the Mankini is the next big fashion trend.
God help us all.

Armor of God PJs! Yes, please!

Wonders never cease to amaze me. Check out: Armor of God PJs.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Douchie LaRoo?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mystery Montauk -Hoax or Felbeast come to warn of Apocolypse??

Srsly, WTF is this thing.
Here's a story on it: Montauk
The text for it is here:
Quick. Grab something. It's time to slay the Montauk Monster.That was the idea at the beginning of the day, when we set a colleague, Robert Wargas, out on his monster mystery hunt.The results? We'll get to that later. But first, let's dish out some reality.
A. Something really did wash up in Montauk, one sunny day, two weeks ago.
B. More than four people saw it.
C. More than one person photographed it.

The surf was rough, flipping the thing, over and over, and over again.Jenna Hewitt, of Montauk, and three friends crept up to examine one side. And Hewitt snapped the camera shot heard 'round the world.But here's the rub.Her group was the second on the scene that afternoon.The first was a quartet of sun-worshipers from western Suffolk and New York City."It looked like nothing I'd ever seen before," said Ryan O'Shea, of Brooklyn. "It looked like it died angry."They were so puzzled by what they saw, they left and came right back, with more friends.The second time around, Christina Pampalone, of East Northport, borrowed O'Shea's camera. She aimed and kept on firing.The result is lots of -- ew -- gross photos of a carcass that looks more domestic than exotic, a bloated dog, not the Hound from Hell.It shows ears. A big swatch of fur. And its proportions appear to be less distorted -- making the head appear to be a suitable complement to the body."I was telling people, all day (Wednesday), that I had better photos," Pampalone said."Everybody I showed her pictures to said it looks like a dead dog," O'Shea said."But looking at the claws, and at the teeth in the front, it looked like it could be something else, something vicious."It was relatively small, roughly 21/2 to 3 feet long, he said.

"I kept thinking, 'Boy, I hope its mother isn't around,'" O'Shea said.This might be a good time to pause for a chew of monster mash. I was skeptical -- and yes, photographers and graphic artists, I did get your e-mails disputing my shadow theory -- until O'Shea and Pampalone made me a believer.Not in monsters, mind you.But in the fact that the ocean, from time to time, coughs up some nasty stuff.

So is it a dog? (Many readers suggested, and worried, that it might be their lost pet. Others were adamant that whatever it was, it should get a decent burial.)Or, as some of our more imaginative readers suggested Thursday, a skinned ram?Whale fetus?Possum? Otter? (Based on the new photos, I think I'm liking the otter. For now.)I sent Pampalone's digital photos -- unlike Hewitt, she had no problem with sending Newsday the originals -- to the good folks at Plum Island, but had heard nothing back about the new photos by deadline.Perhaps that's because officials were busy answering inquiries from CNN and other media chasing the Montauk Monster. (For the record, officials said they have nothing to do with it and couldn't identify it, based on Hewitt's photo.)Hewitt told Newsday she was talking to CNN, too.She also told our man Wargas -- who had started his workday high on the hope of seeing, and no doubt, smelling, the beast's remains -- that the carcass had been moved from the backyard of her friend to another location.Damn.But wait.Joann Dileardo saw it at the end of Roe Avenue in Patchogue, a few weeks ago. "I didn't know what that thing was," she said. "It looked like a pig."Another reader, Pat, e-mailed that the ladies in his office saw it on an East Quogue beach -- back in April.Elizabeth Barbeiri said her family saw it about a mile east of Gurney's Inn in Montauk, July 14. And Ryan Kelso, via iPhone, said he spotted it -- alive! -- in the Montauk dunes. "It looked about the size of an average fox, gray in color, eyes like a mole, hairless and was breathing quite heavily," he wrote, "needless to say we were freaked out by this discovery and fled the area quickly."Lavey Fater saw a surfer bring one to shore, near Ditch Plains."It was hairless and gross," Fater reported. "... The surfer said he had no idea what it was, but that he threw it in the dunes because he didn't want to be surfing next to it."Keith found something last week in Greenport; Chris found one a month ago at Jones Beach east of Field 6. ("The one I saw had a longer snout or beak or whatever you want to call it.") Sean said he buried one, 3 feet deep, in South Jamesport.Somehow, I'm thinking, the Montauk Monster won't stay buried, long.

Here's another Super Gross picture of it. EEEEW.

Friday, July 18, 2008

OMG Smut.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

There will be consequences!

Today, my husband put the TV on Biodome and threw the remote at me. This agression will not stand, man.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Greg's special fantasy ride

Meatboy's close friends

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Monday, April 21, 2008

Zombie Invasion


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Srsly, WTF. Again.

Meatboy says, "Hello."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Srsly, WTF?

I think that we can all agree that this is truly a "Srsly, WTF?".

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Vampire Weekend and other tunes.

I finally downloaded some music last night, which of course made me feel like an old fogey. Everyone seems to be going crazy over this M.I.A. person and I honestly think her music is just effing terrible. I guess it's not the music I dislike so much as the lyrics. They're just terrible. Ah well, it's just another sign that I'm becoming ancient and out of touch with current trends. How sad.

I did find a few things I liked using Blender for my reference. I downloaded 4 songs from a new band called Vampire Weekend. When I saw the name I thought it was going to be some whiney goth emo bullshit, but it's actually pretty good! You can check out some of their tracks at their MySpace page. I wish I would have downloaded the whole CD, actually, since it seems as if it was cheaper to get the whole thing. Ah well.

I also downloaded one song from LCD Soundsystem called Someone Great. It's a strange video.

I took a track from the Juno Soundtrack, specifically "Anyone Else But You". Cutest song EVAR. I highly recommend the movie.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Srsly, WTF?

Yes folks, it's another, "Srsly, WTF?"

Friday, February 8, 2008

Vote in the Poll and Inka Heritage

Be sure to check out my poll and cast your vote! Inquiring minds want to know!

So, Jona and I have been to lunch at Inka Heritage on Park Street about 10 times now, and we've enjoyed it every time. Don't let the fact that it is on Park Street or that you've never tried Peruvian food before stop you from trying our this great restaurant.

You can read a bit about this restaurant here The Daily Page: Inka Heritage and a review on one customer's experience Madison A to Z.

They regulary feature 2 lunch specials a day for $8.00. If you do decide to go to try it out, order one with lightly fried fish, it's delicious. I believe they always feature this on Fridays, however you can sometimes catch it during the week as well.

The dinner menu is a little more pricey, but if you enjoy trying new styles of food, it's really worth checking out.

Srsly, WTF.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cute Overload, LMNO Pies, Wii Games and SNOW!!

Today's featured link is For the cutest animal pictures with the most adorable captions ever, this site is full of win. Thanks to Kristi for turning me on to it. It's good for hours of "oooh!"s and "awwww!"s. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I also ordered a Key Lime Pie from today. I've had their chocolate silk pie and their lemon bars are the best I've ever had. I've been addicted to Key Lime lately, so I thought I'd try LMNO Pies' version. I'll let you know!

I also recently played Cooking Mama and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves for the Wii console.

Cooking Mama was a little disappointing. It only features one player gameplay and is a little monotonous. The narration in it was seriously hilarious though, as the dialogue seems to be poorly translated/spoken english as interpreted by someone who speaks it as a second language.

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves also is unfortunately a one-player game, but it was certainly a lot more entertaining. It features a number of mini games which were really quite genius. If only it had a multiple player mode, it would have been a TON more fun.

Madison got over 9 inches of snow and many businesses were closed yesterday. I took the day off because I anticipated that it would be difficult to get to work. Apparently the National Guard had to assist folks stuck on the interstate for over 10 hours by giving them food, diapers, and filled their cars with gas to keep them running. A co-worker mentioned that she was wondering where these people relieved themselves during this time, specifically referring to duece droppage. She makes a good point. I feel bad for those folks that were stuck on the interstate, but I have to say, I feel just as bad for the folks that are gonna be doing trash duty on that particular stretch of I-90, because it ain't gonna be pretty.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

About me!

My name is Kerri. I currently live and work in Madison, Wisconsin. I've included a picture of myself from 2 years ago on Halloween. At least, I think it was two years ago, since I've rocked the "pregnant nun" costume for quite a few years.

I enjoy spending time with friends, reading, movies, Great Taste of the Midwest, World of Warcraft, New Glarus Beers, Dachshunds, Wii, and lots of other things that I'm sure you'll learn about if you continue to read this blog.

This is my first blog, so please be gentle.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Here's a test post so we can take a look at this Blog dealie.